The Student Room Group

Dropping out of sixth form

Can I drop out of sixth form at 17 due to mental health? I would work part time and If I had to gain some sort of qualification, could I do pharmacy training at work?
I believe you have to stay in full-time education until you are 18 for legal reasons
Reply 2
Original post by AhsokaTano-
I believe you have to stay in full-time education until you are 18 for legal reasons

Could I at least do my sixth form work at home then instead of going in to do it?
Reply 3
Original post by User8719640
Can I drop out of sixth form at 17 due to mental health? I would work part time and If I had to gain some sort of qualification, could I do pharmacy training at work?

Hey, sorry to hear you are struggling. I have some experience with mental health affecting education. I suggest you speak to your tutor let them know how you feel. Maybe you could take a break from a levels for a year and then go back to them.

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