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I am stuck between choosing degrees

I know I want to continue studying a creative subject at university, I currently study A level Art, Psychology and BTEC Business, i was really set in doing illustration before, but am now doubting whether it is practical and the jobs i am limited to if i. chose that degree. i have also considered doing creative advertising which I also really enjoy, as i feel there is a more clear path to a career with that degree. I also know I want to go to falmouth, it is a great place and i have looked at the prospectuses for both degrees and they are great. I feel i would enjoy them both, maybe illustration a little more, i just want some opinions on what i should do.
You could always do illustration and then change it do a masters if you don’t like it. Maybe try to get work experience and see what you enjoy more
You've said that you believe you would enjoy studying Illusation more; I think that's your answer.

It's so important to study something you'll really enjoy at uni- degrees can be really full on and tricky at times; by doing something you enjoy, it'll help you persevere and achieve the best grades you possibly can 🙂

There's also the option of switching degrees a few weeks in if you do realise that you're not enjoying Illustration as much as you thought you would and would rather do creative advertising.
Original post by ilsobill
I know I want to continue studying a creative subject at university, I currently study A level Art, Psychology and BTEC Business, i was really set in doing illustration before, but am now doubting whether it is practical and the jobs i am limited to if i. chose that degree. i have also considered doing creative advertising which I also really enjoy, as i feel there is a more clear path to a career with that degree. I also know I want to go to falmouth, it is a great place and i have looked at the prospectuses for both degrees and they are great. I feel i would enjoy them both, maybe illustration a little more, i just want some opinions on what i should do.

Illustration is specifically a commercial field so I'm not sure why you think it's not "practical" or career oriented...? That said I don't think there's really any guarantees or a great deal of job security in creative areas just due to the overarching model being for fixed term contracts for the creative people to be brought in for the FTC to work on a specific project as contractors and when the project is done, they have to go find another contract to pick up.

Advertising is really a separate field to my knowledge and you aren't going to be doing creative work in the same way I don't think - as far as I'm aware it's more about creative direction than actually creating (because my understanding is if the advertising team want to use some kind of creative work they will hire a photographer, an illustrator, a graphic designer etc to actually make the piece; the advertising team just plan the brief to be given to the creative people I believe?).

As I understand it, Falmouth has significantly cut its creative courses and faculty in recent years so that may be something to consider carefully.

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