The Student Room Group

Purchased an iPad air 5th gen for uni

I just bought an iPad for uni as a dental student but I have no idea how to use it. I thought I could use it for taking notes and as a revision tool so I need recommendations on the apps I would need for uni. Thanks
Reply 1
Apple Pencil (or any stylus but I can only speak about what I've used) is something I'd massively recommend, means you'll never have to rely on pen and paper again. Also for your subject means you can take pictures and annotate them, which sounds fair useful imo.


Goodnotes/Notability/OneNote (note taking, pdf viewing/annotating etc). Are what got me through uni. OneNote doesn't cost anything.

Microsoft suite (always a convenience to have, although nowhere near as good as on a laptop/desktop)

Those are the two I would add immediately. The rest is more tailored towards you specifically. E.g. if you use notion there's an app.
Original post by Ryanb99
Apple Pencil (or any stylus but I can only speak about what I've used) is something I'd massively recommend, means you'll never have to rely on pen and paper again. Also for your subject means you can take pictures and annotate them, which sounds fair useful imo.

Goodnotes/Notability/OneNote (note taking, pdf viewing/annotating etc). Are what got me through uni. OneNote doesn't cost anything.

Microsoft suite (always a convenience to have, although nowhere near as good as on a laptop/desktop)

Those are the two I would add immediately. The rest is more tailored towards you specifically. E.g. if you use notion there's an app.

Tysm I'll try and get an apple pencil, but the magic keyboard is out of my budget, so I looked on Logitech but I'm scared it might stop working with the iPad since it's not from apple. I will install all the apps that you mentioned, if there are any other apps (i know I have anki that I used from a level but it's on my phone) please let me know. Thanks x

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