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Which should I continue with? - Further maths

I want to do mech eng at imperial or cambridge which have entry requirements A*A*A - A*AAA (imperia). I'm currently predicted A* maths A* physics A chemistry and a B in further maths after some unfortunate circumstances during my end of years. They won't budge the B but mentioned I could drop down to AS further maths and potentially be predicted an A in it, making my predicted A*A*A maths physics chem and A in AS fmaths. Or should i drop further maths completly and ask for 3 A* predicted? Or continue on with these grades and hope for the best? I know I can do better than a B for sure, but they won't budge. Year 12 was a tough time, which should i do?
Reply 1
Original post by 18moosae
I want to do mech eng at imperial or cambridge which have entry requirements A*A*A - A*AAA (imperia). I'm currently predicted A* maths A* physics A chemistry and a B in further maths after some unfortunate circumstances during my end of years. They won't budge the B but mentioned I could drop down to AS further maths and potentially be predicted an A in it, making my predicted A*A*A maths physics chem and A in AS fmaths. Or should i drop further maths completly and ask for 3 A* predicted? Or continue on with these grades and hope for the best? I know I can do better than a B for sure, but they won't budge. Year 12 was a tough time, which should i do?

Many people applying with have FMaths - what do the course requirements say?

Predictions look low and I'd look at somewhere with a year in industry.
Reply 2
Original post by Muttley79
Many people applying with have FMaths - what do the course requirements say?
Predictions look low and I'd look at somewhere with a year in industry.

Imperial says it’s a recommended subject
Reply 3
Original post by 18moosae
Imperial says it’s a recommended subject

And Cambridge? Don't some colleges require it?

I would apply elsewhere if you drop it.
Reply 4
Original post by Muttley79
And Cambridge? Don't some colleges require it?
I would apply elsewhere if you drop it.

They also say it’s a really recommended subject, should I drop to AS and try with a predicted A in it?
Original post by 18moosae
I want to do mech eng at imperial or cambridge which have entry requirements A*A*A - A*AAA (imperia). I'm currently predicted A* maths A* physics A chemistry and a B in further maths after some unfortunate circumstances during my end of years. They won't budge the B but mentioned I could drop down to AS further maths and potentially be predicted an A in it, making my predicted A*A*A maths physics chem and A in AS fmaths. Or should i drop further maths completly and ask for 3 A* predicted? Or continue on with these grades and hope for the best? I know I can do better than a B for sure, but they won't budge. Year 12 was a tough time, which should i do?

You'll be at a significant disadvantage without Further Maths, but you'll also be at a significant disadvantage with a B in further maths.

Your best course of action, if you are dead set on Imperial/Cambridge, may be to just do your exams and get the best grades you can and then reapply after a gap year with good achieved grades already. This is only worth doing if you are very confident that your predicted grades are not fairly reflecting what you will get in the exam.
Reply 6
Original post by 18moosae
They also say it’s a really recommended subject, should I drop to AS and try with a predicted A in it?

No, you need the full A level. Apply elsewhere .. my top students apply elsewhere because there's no year in industry and the courses are not up-to-date.
Original post by 18moosae
I want to do mech eng at imperial or cambridge which have entry requirements A*A*A - A*AAA (imperia). I'm currently predicted A* maths A* physics A chemistry and a B in further maths after some unfortunate circumstances during my end of years. They won't budge the B but mentioned I could drop down to AS further maths and potentially be predicted an A in it, making my predicted A*A*A maths physics chem and A in AS fmaths. Or should i drop further maths completly and ask for 3 A* predicted? Or continue on with these grades and hope for the best? I know I can do better than a B for sure, but they won't budge. Year 12 was a tough time, which should i do?

Hi! I do MechEng at Imperial, I work as a student ambassador and I’m going into my fourth year. My advice, if you want to stand a chance at Imperial or Cambridge, drop Chem and focus on the other 3 or go to other universities. GCSE Chemistry is more than enough. Not doing FM will really hinder your application, especially when it was offered at your school. It shows you are unable to keep up with the level of Maths that will be offered at Imperial. Even with a B, explain you can do better, you have a better chance at an offer.
Reply 8
Original post by jasminenugroho
Hi! I do MechEng at Imperial, I work as a student ambassador and I’m going into my fourth year. My advice, if you want to stand a chance at Imperial or Cambridge, drop Chem and focus on the other 3 or go to other universities. GCSE Chemistry is more than enough. Not doing FM will really hinder your application, especially when it was offered at your school. It shows you are unable to keep up with the level of Maths that will be offered at Imperial. Even with a B, explain you can do better, you have a better chance at an offer.

Thank you for replying! My hoy is really adamant on not letting me drop chemistry it’s frustrating, I know I can do better. I’ll try my best with a B
Reply 9
Original post by 18moosae
Thank you for replying! My hoy is really adamant on not letting me drop chemistry it’s frustrating, I know I can do better. I’ll try my best with a B

Get parents involved - it's YOUR future.
Reply 10
Original post by Muttley79
Get parents involved - it's YOUR future.

I got them to send an email but he thinks I won’t even improve at all because it’s hardly been done in the previous years. He’s set on not predicting me an A, I’m going to try complain tomorrow
Original post by 18moosae
I got them to send an email but he thinks I won’t even improve at all because it’s hardly been done in the previous years. He’s set on not predicting me an A, I’m going to try complain tomorrow

No I meant re dropping Chemistry. Ask for a re-test for Fmaths to show you can get a higher grade

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