I’m looking for advice.
I was wondering if oxbridge is worth it? Originally I was considering applying to cambridge for computer science. But I dont know if I want to because I worry that it’ll be so much stress and pressure to apply and then the stress and pressure would only get worse when I’m there and I’m worried it would destroy me and my love for my subject. Also honestly I’m not a confident person and struggle with getting things wrong and criticism, and on some level I struggle with anxiety, and I just don’t think itd be the right environment for me.
However, the conflicting part of me feels that if I don’t apply to oxbridge then I am not stretching myself far enough or being ambitious enough. (I do not want to go to a London uni either). And also the job market is obviously crazy right now especially computer science so I’m also wondering would going to Cambridge make a big difference for me in that aspect, as opposed to another top uni (e.g durham, bath etc.) (may be a silly question)
I don’t really know what I’m looking for in response to this, I just want honest advice or to know if anyone is feeling the same way, so that I can come to some sort of peaceful conclusion if I decide not to do it.