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De Montfort 1st Year Fail (Most likely)

Hi I started october 2023 (mech engineering) and I was told by older ppl that 1st year doesn’t matter and you can’t possibly get kicked. As i’m approaching september 12th, I’m realising this isn’t true.

I know for a fact that 2 out of my 4 modules are a pass however this is in electrical engineering and i’m not doing that in the 2nd year so i doubt they hold weight.

what can i do to ensure i progress to second year. i need the uni resources to complete my work and i’m at home. all i need is a week or 2 in my second year to finish my first year course work. what can i do? i can’t afford to retake the year. i know my dad wouldn’t give me that opportunity.

i wasted the year and i regret it. i’ve rambled on out of panic but i’m terrified. what can i do, anything but a resit.
Original post by bob12z
Hi I started october 2023 (mech engineering) and I was told by older ppl that 1st year doesn’t matter and you can’t possibly get kicked. As i’m approaching september 12th, I’m realising this isn’t true.

I know for a fact that 2 out of my 4 modules are a pass however this is in electrical engineering and i’m not doing that in the 2nd year so i doubt they hold weight.

what can i do to ensure i progress to second year. i need the uni resources to complete my work and i’m at home. all i need is a week or 2 in my second year to finish my first year course work. what can i do? i can’t afford to retake the year. i know my dad wouldn’t give me that opportunity.

i wasted the year and i regret it. i’ve rambled on out of panic but i’m terrified. what can i do, anything but a resit.

You say you "know for a fact that 2 out of my 4 modules are a pass". What is the current state of the other two? Did you fail those? Did you gain a deferral the assessments? Were you given a resit opportunity? Were you given any kind of grade at all for them at the end of Year 1?

You mention coursework. Were these two "failed" modules both assessed entirely by coursework? When was the coursework deadline? Have you requested and been granted an extension on that deadline? If so, when is the new deadline.

Have the university not already told you whether you may progress to Year 2, or what you need to do in order to progress?
Original post by bob12z
Hi I started october 2023 (mech engineering) and I was told by older ppl that 1st year doesn’t matter and you can’t possibly get kicked. As i’m approaching september 12th, I’m realising this isn’t true.
I know for a fact that 2 out of my 4 modules are a pass however this is in electrical engineering and i’m not doing that in the 2nd year so i doubt they hold weight.
what can i do to ensure i progress to second year. i need the uni resources to complete my work and i’m at home. all i need is a week or 2 in my second year to finish my first year course work. what can i do? i can’t afford to retake the year. i know my dad wouldn’t give me that opportunity.
i wasted the year and i regret it. i’ve rambled on out of panic but i’m terrified. what can i do, anything but a resit.

Hi. Speak to a student advice team or finance team (apologies, I don’t know the exact people as I’ve been out of uni for a while now) or your personal tutor at university.

They should be able to sort something out so that if you do manage to resit, the extra year you take only gets paid when you start paying back your student loan as a graduate.

As far as I know, from Plymouth university, every student got 4 years funded anyway regardless of a 3 year or 4 year course anyway, but some people who retook a year while on a 4 year course (e.g. did a foundation year like me) had managed to talk to the uni to get a retake year funded, therefore they had finished uni in 5 years free! (Until it’s time to pay back as a graduate haha).

But yes, I’d say talk to the uni first. They should be there to support you with any difficulties.

Good luck. :smile:
Reply 3
I have graduated from DMU and I can say that if you ask your teacher or BAL for extensions and deferrals they are most likely to give them if you are honest with them. They don’t want you to fail and will help you. First year doesn’t count towards your degree so they have more flexibility in letting you through to second year if you don’t quite get the pass mark. They won’t help you if you don’t communicate or ask for help.

Happy to help or answer questions if you need it, don’t panic
Original post by bob12z
Hi I started october 2023 (mech engineering) and I was told by older ppl that 1st year doesn’t matter and you can’t possibly get kicked. As i’m approaching september 12th, I’m realising this isn’t true.

I know for a fact that 2 out of my 4 modules are a pass however this is in electrical engineering and i’m not doing that in the 2nd year so i doubt they hold weight.

what can i do to ensure i progress to second year. i need the uni resources to complete my work and i’m at home. all i need is a week or 2 in my second year to finish my first year course work. what can i do? i can’t afford to retake the year. i know my dad wouldn’t give me that opportunity.

i wasted the year and i regret it. i’ve rambled on out of panic but i’m terrified. what can i do, anything but a resit.

First year at most institutions doesn’t count “grade wise” towards your final classification however of course you will still be required to pass the requisite credits.

First year is generally the easiest typically doesn’t have too big an academic jump so a lot of people cruise it. Hence this in tandem with lack of impact on overall grade mean people will often prioritise student life over academics.

Ultimately you will have to pass the credits before the examination board to progress, if you will be unlikely to do this you should speak to your tutor. You will either need the credits to be condoned fails (however this typically only applies to a limited number of credits and at institutions I attended only certain credits which aren’t required background knowledge for future modules) or have to resit at this point so close to the new academic year you might be looking at resitting the year.
(edited 4 months ago)

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