Lots of questions to answer in your post but in reality only one clear route.
Now is the time not to fall back into entry level roles especially in an exploitation machine like the NHS, plenty of time to do this in your 30s when things get even harder and at that point in time it might be that you need a degree just to get interviews for the sort of stuff no one wants to touch now. If you really want to help people then get into software and go and work on the NHS IT infra.
Otherwise, do some market research on trends (remember that trends are friends) and then go onto Claude (AI) and enter in your problem as much detail about you and your personality type traits as you can find out and ask it for career recommendations based on your exp, it can also help you think about your skills and background in more structured ways (you’ll have forgotten something good for sure). It’ll be able to give you some nuanced pointers and then follow them up with more research.
Don’t give up and take the easier ways out - go out there and fight hard. With the level of competition nowadays chances are you’ll struggle to get support later and will lose the key development period of your life.
Things are only getting harder, if you cut development or further learning options now you’ll be making challenges for later for sure. Also try apprentichips which pay for degrees.