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AQA A level Computer Science NEA - Use of external libraries?

I was thinking of implementing a CNN for cancer detection using pytorch. However, my teacher had mentioned that majority of the work is being done by the library itself, which makes sense, and to think of something else. I was also considering of including a peer-to-peer chat feature in my project using which again brings up the question of how much of the work is being done by me. Therefore, my question is: are external libraries discouraged for the NEA?

Would greatly appreciate some insights!
Reply 1
You don't get any marks for use of external libraries. To get the marks you need to include levels of complexity in your project (see spec). The easiest way to go about this is to do algorithmic processing. e.g. take some data in a data structure and process it to produce a result.

Good luck!
Reply 2
I see. What are your thoughts on a database management system? I could try creating a complex data model to meet the technical requirements. Additionally, more algorithmic processing such as more efficient indexing and searching of users, matching of user records when merging from diverse sources and anonymizing user data, etc. Do you think this has the potential for an A*?
(edited 1 month ago)

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