The Student Room Group

Clean marker from projector board

How could I clean the permanent blue marker from the projector white board. I used the dry sponge but mark didnt go at all. When switch on the ptojector the mark are visible. Somrone told me use the washing liquid help
Reply 1
An alchohol based hand sanitiser should work (idk why, I think the alcohol does something to the ink to make it come off easier, but its worked for me before on whiteboards) just put some on the mark and scrub it with a cloth, it will probably smear it a bit but you can use a dry bit of the cloth to wipe any residual ink away. I think. I've used this like twice so if you try it and it doesn't work I'm very sorry!!
Reply 2
Original post by ezther1
An alchohol based hand sanitiser should work (idk why, I think the alcohol does something to the ink to make it come off easier, but its worked for me before on whiteboards) just put some on the mark and scrub it with a cloth, it will probably smear it a bit but you can use a dry bit of the cloth to wipe any residual ink away. I think. I've used this like twice so if you try it and it doesn't work I'm very sorry!!

btw this will probably stain the cloth blue a bit, just so you're aware
Reply 3
I will try tomorrow in class anc let you know
Reply 4
Ethanol does the trick. If you have a chemistry lab you can get just the stuff, wear gloves mind. Hand sanitiser should do a reasonable job too
Reply 5
Original post by AJasmajaved
I will try tomorrow in class anc let you know

Thanks it worked only lwft a bit black stain which removed by rubbing the dry tissue

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