The Student Room Group

Uni of Liverpool

Does anyone know if there's any downsides to applying to Liverpool or any uni with two similar courses? For example I want to apply for English with drama studies but I loved the city so much i'm wandering if its worth applying for straight English there as well. Thanks !
Original post by evaedwards1
Does anyone know if there's any downsides to applying to Liverpool or any uni with two similar courses? For example I want to apply for English with drama studies but I loved the city so much i'm wandering if its worth applying for straight English there as well. Thanks !

One potential issue would be that if you application isn't acceptable to Liverpool generally for some reason, then you've wasted two of you five choices rather than just one. For example, they say here that, "We require all applicants for undergraduate programmes to demonstrate a good general education, which includes acceptable levels of literacy and numeracy, normally equivalent to at least grade 4 or C at GCSE in English and Mathematics."

The same logic would apply at the department level. Your application for both English Literature and Drama Studies and English Literature could be both rejected by the Department of English for the same reason, especially if they have the same entry requirements.
Reply 2
Thank you that's so helpful!
Original post by evaedwards1
Does anyone know if there's any downsides to applying to Liverpool or any uni with two similar courses? For example I want to apply for English with drama studies but I loved the city so much i'm wandering if its worth applying for straight English there as well. Thanks !

Hi there!

We offer a BA (Hons) in Drama and English Literature at Hope. If it is the city of Liverpool you were particularly interested in it may be a safer bet to apply to this course at one of the other universities rather than making two applications to the same university.

I hope this helps😀

Lottie, Graduate Advocate

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