I’m in year 13 right now and I want to know if I still have a shot at getting into Oxford for PPE. My O levels were 7A*s, 2 As and 1 B (in Additional Mathematics), and I have pretty good super curriculars (shortlisted for John Locke essay competition 2024 for Politics etc) but my As level grades have been unexpectedly bad aabcA (English lit, history, biology, maths and CIPQ respectively). The grade in maths is contextualised because there were rumours of a paper leakage in the country so Cambridge decided to give us assessed grades based on a component that usually accounts for only 40% of the as level grade. I’m doing the free resit Cambridge is offering for maths in October and will be taking a gap year to apply next year with achieved A level grades which will hopefully be A*A*AA. I want to know if my maths grade puts me at a severe disadvantage for Oxford or if the contextual circumstances coupled with an overall A/A* achieved at A level (in the normal two year period just with the as level retake) would mitigate that slight disadvantage and I would still have a decent shot. Thanks !