I was just wondering what the weakest cambridge medicine offer holder or a weak cambridge medicine offer holder statistics(GCSEs,A level predicteds) were ?
I was just wondering what the weakest cambridge medicine offer holder or a weak cambridge medicine offer holder statistics(GCSEs,A level predicteds) were ?
This probably won’t be much consolation to you, but searching for statistics won’t really help at all (assuming you’re trying to work out your chances in the admissions process). The lowest offer holder may have a range of circumstances that Cambridge would have taken into account when making their decision. This could be anything from bereavement to fleeing war. Cambridge don’t just look at your GCSEs, A levels and admissions tests scores, but also your contextual data, extenuating circumstances, UCAS reference and so on. The admissions process is very holistic and individual, meaning that you won’t necessarily receive an offer just because you have the same stats as a successful offer holder in a previous cycle. The collegiate system can also play a role in admissions decisions for certain courses at certain colleges (e.g. many very capable candidates who apply to Trinity for maths get rejected pre-interview, because it is heavily oversubscribed and they cannot interview everyone). To my knowledge, I don’t believe that there are any major “red flag” colleges for medicine. Also, keep in mind that Cambridge has only just started using the UCAT in the admissions process for medicine.