The Student Room Group

Dealing with A-level stress

Is it normal to feel extra stressed during a levels thinking about subject choices, the sixth form, studies the future.
If so how do you deal with this.
I feel like I’m always moody and overwhelmed.
How do you cope? Is it always like this? Do I just deal with it and move on?
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Original post by Elexa278
Is it normal to feel extra stressed during a levels thinking about subject choices, the sixth form, studies the future.
If so how do you deal with this.
I feel like I’m always moody and overwhelmed.
How do you cope? Is it always like this? Do I just deal with it and move on?

Hey! Totally normal to feel this way! I was super stressed during my A-levels particularly around exam time! It does get better - there will be good times and bad, you just have to try and find some techniques you can use to calm you down in times of high stress (like deep breathing, meditation and visualisation etc). It is such a hard time, and you won’t be the only one struggling so you’re definitely not alone.

At the time I was so worried about not getting the grades I wanted and not getting into my uni choice (etc) but not that I’ve finished I’ve realised I spent so much time worrying about nothing because it all worked out great. Basically what I’m trying to say is while you might not feel like it, you will be absolutely fine, and everything will work out eventually.

Best wishes :smile:

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