@realistic-doom - thanks for reaching out. As it happens I did a placement at uni too and the exact same thing happened with me, so I completely understand where you're coming from 👍️
Its completely normal to have these feelings and it can definitely feel different coming back with friends having moved on. However I would say that...
Firstly, its never too late to put yourself out there and try something new. Join a new society or club, become a peer mentor or take on some part-time work if you wish to. These are all good was to give you a much needed break from your work in your final year (good for your wellbeing) and open up a network of new people. I joined a society for the first time in my third year and found it a really fun way to meet people I hadn't known before.
Secondly, make use of your coursemates. Perhaps find a few coursemates from lectures you get on with and suggest forming a study group or dissertation group where you could share ideas and methods, help each other out. And don't forget to keep chatting, asking people out for coffee after classes etc - it works for freshers, it works for third years
Lastly, although it may sound daft - go to freshers week! If you are able to go to your uni a little early, attending freshers events is not only for first years, its for all years and no one will really know what year you're in as you'll all just be students together, in the same boat, wanting to meet new people.
Just try not to be worried, because I found that I didn't really meet my true friends until second/third year anyway, and if anything coming back after a placement gave me the extra motivation to capitalise on the connections I already had on my course and to try something brand new.
Very, very best of luck and I hope that helps you. Any more questions don't hesitate to post!
So I'm going back to uni after doing placement year and everyone I know has graduated. How do I meet new people preferably 3rd years.
Thanks for your question.
I agree with what Holly from University of Bath has said, it is never too late to put yourself out there, join that society or club that you were going to do before.
People always want to make new friends so it's always worth a try as everyone within the societies will have common interests making it easier to make new friends.
Go to the freshers' Fair - it showcases what your university has to offer!