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Urgent advice needed for Further Maths A/AS level

Urgent advice needed - FM

My DD is doing Maths, FM, Economics and geography at A level.
Her Predicted Grades are
Maths - A*
Economincs- A*
Geography- A
Further Maths - B
She wants to apply to Pure Economics at

Bristol or Kings or Nottingham(not sure)

As her FM predicted grade is B. She did request her sixth form head about assessing FM grade again with more exam.
But her school is very adamant to not consider any more exam and not budging about predicted grades.
They told her that they can predict her grade A in FM if she takes it as AS level instead of A level.

Will that is very disadantaged for her for LSE, Warwick, UCL even Bath admissions?
I know all these uni favours candidate with FM but taking it only as AS level will be an problem?
What will they favour most, Is grade B prediction in Full A level FM is better that A prediction for AS level.
We are really confused what to do
She really wants to get into Warwick, UCL, Bath.
LSE is very aspiritional.
Original post by bansh27
Urgent advice needed - FM
My DD is doing Maths, FM, Economics and geography at A level.
Her Predicted Grades are
Maths - A*
Economincs- A*
Geography- A
Further Maths - B
She wants to apply to Pure Economics at
Bristol or Kings or Nottingham(not sure)
As her FM predicted grade is B. She did request her sixth form head about assessing FM grade again with more exam.
But her school is very adamant to not consider any more exam and not budging about predicted grades.
They told her that they can predict her grade A in FM if she takes it as AS level instead of A level.
Will that is very disadantaged for her for LSE, Warwick, UCL even Bath admissions?
I know all these uni favours candidate with FM but taking it only as AS level will be an problem?
What will they favour most, Is grade B prediction in Full A level FM is better that A prediction for AS level.
We are really confused what to do
She really wants to get into Warwick, UCL, Bath.
LSE is very aspiritional.

I am not an expert on this matter but I suggest that she takes it to AS level and get the A. She needs to get offers and the B could make her less competitive.

Tagging some wise heads, who may know more: @threeportdrift @Scotney @Saracen's Fez @Muttley79
Reply 2
Original post by bansh27
Urgent advice needed - FM
My DD is doing Maths, FM, Economics and geography at A level.
Her Predicted Grades are
Maths - A*
Economincs- A*
Geography- A
Further Maths - B
She wants to apply to Pure Economics at
Bristol or Kings or Nottingham(not sure)
As her FM predicted grade is B. She did request her sixth form head about assessing FM grade again with more exam.
But her school is very adamant to not consider any more exam and not budging about predicted grades.
They told her that they can predict her grade A in FM if she takes it as AS level instead of A level.
Will that is very disadantaged for her for LSE, Warwick, UCL even Bath admissions?
I know all these uni favours candidate with FM but taking it only as AS level will be an problem?
What will they favour most, Is grade B prediction in Full A level FM is better that A prediction for AS level.
We are really confused what to do
She really wants to get into Warwick, UCL, Bath.
LSE is very aspiritional.

What grade has she been working at in FMaths?

Personally I'd stick with the full A level - AS is now only 40% of the content and not so highly regarded.
Reply 3
Original post by Wired_1800
I am not an expert on this matter but I suggest that she takes it to AS level and get the A. She needs to get offers and the B could make her less competitive.
Tagging some wise heads, who may know more: @threeportdrift @Scotney @Saracen's Fez @Muttley79

PRSOM :smile:
I'll be honest, I don't know how mathematical those economics courses are and so how much A level FM would be a desirable thing to have.

But generally speaking it's better to do fewer A levels well than more A levels less well.

Is A*A*A including Maths and Economics going to be enough to meet the requirements of all of those unis? If so then probably an additional AS in FM at a higher grade is the better look, because it's the full A levels that'll be most important. If the unis want/prefer FM, it's probably wiser to stick with the full A level, though make uni choices bearing in mind the predicted grades.
Reply 5
Original post by bansh27
Urgent advice needed - FM
My DD is doing Maths, FM, Economics and geography at A level.
Her Predicted Grades are
Maths - A*
Economincs- A*
Geography- A
Further Maths - B
She wants to apply to Pure Economics at
Bristol or Kings or Nottingham(not sure)
As her FM predicted grade is B. She did request her sixth form head about assessing FM grade again with more exam.
But her school is very adamant to not consider any more exam and not budging about predicted grades.
They told her that they can predict her grade A in FM if she takes it as AS level instead of A level.
Will that is very disadantaged for her for LSE, Warwick, UCL even Bath admissions?
I know all these uni favours candidate with FM but taking it only as AS level will be an problem?
What will they favour most, Is grade B prediction in Full A level FM is better that A prediction for AS level.
We are really confused what to do
She really wants to get into Warwick, UCL, Bath.
LSE is very aspiritional.

My son’s situation is a bit similar. Please advise if there is a chance for LSE or Warwick to give an offer in my son’s case. LSE- requires 3As for A &F and Warwick requires A*2AAs for A&F. But having the minimum as predicted will be enough to get an offer?
His GCSE grades are seven 9s, two 8s and One 7(German) and AS Levels grades - 4As (maths, f. Maths, economics & history) he has now dropped Economics and going with 3 ALs. His predicted grades are A* maths and 2As for f.maths and history. His school is very strict on predicted grades and won’t change the A to A* for history!!
I have heard that most apply for LSE and Warwick A&F will have minimum 2A*A predicted. So will my son be at a massive disadvantage for getting an offer?
Please can kindly someone let me know if this is going to be unrealistic? Thank you

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