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Smaller class sizes! I feel like you know the people in your classes better and its just less overwhelming in a smaller class. Its also easier to have debates (Psych).
Opportunities! I had no one idea about Ritangle and M3 Maths Challenge before joining and I could not imagine not doing them. Connections are very useful things and some staff at Grammar schools will either have "prestigious" backgrounds or know people or have links to different institutions to come in and do talks (this is very school dependent though so it's worth asking whether the school has established links or not). My school also had a lot of clubs and societies I could join!
Teaching Quality! I feel like it's stronger (but not perfect) compared to comprehensive but obviously that depends on the staff and their teaching history etc.
Uni Support! Again this is mostly due to connections that they are able to cater more efficient support systems especially for early applicants
You are typically challenged more compared to comprehensive schools as I mentioned before in some posts (but there is also the importance of doing your own research into subjects you like and discussing this which I felt like my school had not done enough of until application season started rolling round)
Work on CS NEA Analysis Section - I want to finish up on researching existing systems and analyse results from primary research other stuff i need to consider; maybe start the features of solution section
Revision for Approaches Test coming up this Thursday 💀
Continue to add studies into my Psych Studies Book
SMC practice
Finish up a Networking course I started
DofE Stuff - Gardening, Spanish, Exercise!
Work on CS NEA Analysis Section - I want to finish up on researching existing systems and analyse results from primary research other stuff i need to consider; maybe start the features of solution section
Revision for Approaches Test coming up this Thursday 💀
Continue to add studies into my Psych Studies Book
SMC practice
Finish up a Networking course I started
DofE Stuff - Gardening, Spanish, Exercise!
Work on CS NEA Analysis Section - I want to finish up on researching existing systems and analyse results from primary research other stuff i need to consider; maybe start the features of solution section
Revision for Approaches Test coming up this Thursday 💀
Continue to add studies into my Psych Studies Book
SMC practice
Finish up a Networking course I started
DofE Stuff - Gardening, Spanish, Exercise!
Finished Networking Course - very much took longer than I expected 💀 but very useful and I got a digital credential out of it (it's one of the Cisco Networking Academy courses)
Went over Flaschards for Approaches Test - I'll make sure to do some practice questions over the next few days as well
Psych Hwk - we've nearly finished the attachment topic which means another test is coming up 🥳
Psych Studies Book - I have written in all the studies we have covered so far for the topics we have completed which now means having the tedious task of fact-checking all of them 💀
Exercise ✅️
Gardening ✅️ - just planted Garlic bulbs
Currently working through NEA Research. I have a project lesson tomorrow and there's something I need to check out with my teacher first. Still waiting for more response for my survey if possible
Finish off my Approaches Definitions List on bus journey (I appreciate I'm leaving this quite late 😭, I kept forgetting to bring my Psych Textbook with me so that I could refer to the glossary)
Squeeze in either SMC or Spanish Practice if I can
I'm meeting with my Spanish teacher in my free so I might ask her to go over some grammar
MAT PSM Session and Phil Lecture with NLU in the evening
Go over the MAT papers I have done to mark and check them - note down questions to retry
Go over the feedback I got from my Problem Solving Matters Mentor and retry those questions again (very useful programme for TMUA and MAT practice; you have 3 in-person sessions (June, July, Sept) and you are given 3 worksheets to do over the summer which are marked. They also offer 4 online advice and practice sessions for each test during the month of September.)
Do MAT 2009 under timed conditions in Double Free
Senior Maths Practice (because a) it's next week, b) it's good problem solving practice)
Go over personal statement and note down key areas I have talked about (which I already did somewhere) and see what extra research I can do around the topic
Computer Science and Philosophy - Oxford
Philosophy and Computer Science - UCL
Computing (Security and Reliability) - Imperial
Computer Science with Cyber Security - Southampton
Cyber Security (with Industrial Experience) - Lancaster
Finished Networking Course - very much took longer than I expected 💀 but very useful and I got a digital credential out of it (it's one of the Cisco Networking Academy courses)
Went over Flaschards for Approaches Test - I'll make sure to do some practice questions over the next few days as well
Psych Hwk - we've nearly finished the attachment topic which means another test is coming up 🥳
Psych Studies Book - I have written in all the studies we have covered so far for the topics we have completed which now means having the tedious task of fact-checking all of them 💀
Exercise ✅️
Gardening ✅️ - just planted Garlic bulbs
Currently working through NEA Research. I have a project lesson tomorrow and there's something I need to check out with my teacher first. Still waiting for more response for my survey if possible
Finish off my Approaches Definitions List on bus journey (I appreciate I'm leaving this quite late 😭, I kept forgetting to bring my Psych Textbook with me so that I could refer to the glossary)
Squeeze in either SMC or Spanish Practice if I can
I'm meeting with my Spanish teacher in my free so I might ask her to go over some grammar
MAT PSM Session and Phil Lecture with NLU in the evening
Go over the MAT papers I have done to mark and check them - note down questions to retry
Go over the feedback I got from my Problem Solving Matters Mentor and retry those questions again (very useful programme for TMUA and MAT practice; you have 3 in-person sessions (June, July, Sept) and you are given 3 worksheets to do over the summer which are marked. They also offer 4 online advice and practice sessions for each test during the month of September.)
Do MAT 2009 under timed conditions in Double Free
Senior Maths Practice (because a) it's next week, b) it's good problem solving practice)
Go over personal statement and note down key areas I have talked about (which I already did somewhere) and see what extra research I can do around the topic
Finish off my Approaches Definitions List on bus journey (I appreciate I'm leaving this quite late 😭, I kept forgetting to bring my Psych Textbook with me so that I could refer to the glossary)
Squeeze in either SMC or Spanish Practice if I can
I'm meeting with my Spanish teacher in my free so I might ask her to go over some grammar
MAT PSM Session and Phil Lecture with NLU in the evening
MAT Paper in my double free
Some TMUA Qs at my problem-solving club
Psychology Revision Club After-School
TMUA PSM Session
CS NEA - doing the last bits of Research so that I can focus on the completing the rest of my analysis
Catch up on Exercise 6C, 6D and 8B (Mixed Exercises if I can but realistically I don't have time to)
Revision for Approaches Test this coming Wednesday (with comparison essay confirmed)
Preparation for Senior Maths Challenge this coming Tuesday (thank God I've been doing MAT and TMUA prep though because that helps maintain problem solving mind-set🥳)
Bits and bobs for DofE
NEA CS Coursework - try to finish as much of the Analysis as I can before our soft deadline the upcoming Friday I believe
Go over the MAT papers I have done to mark and check them - note down questions to retry
Go over the feedback I got from my Problem Solving Matters Mentor and retry those questions again (very useful programme for TMUA and MAT practice; you have 3 in-person sessions (June, July, Sept) and you are given 3 worksheets to do over the summer which are marked. They also offer 4 online advice and practice sessions for each test during the month of September.)
Do MAT 2009 under timed conditions in Double Free
Senior Maths Practice (because a) it's next week, b) it's good problem solving practice)
Go over personal statement and note down key areas I have talked about (which I already did somewhere) and see what extra research I can do around the topic
Go over the MAT papers ❌️ -> should do it before my next double free so most likely Wed evening
Go over the feedback from PSM Summer Sheets ✅️ & it was surprisingly quite good! Just need to do a few tweaks
Do MAT 2009 under timed conditions in Double Free ✅️
Senior Maths Practice (because a) it's next week, b) it's good problem solving practice) ✅️❌️ -> this is like a yes/no bc I've done some problems and worked on problem solving but I'm going to spend tomorrow cramming in last min practice which isn't ideal
Go over personal statement and note down key areas I have talked about (which I already did somewhere) and see what extra research I can do around the topic ❌️ -> not high priority rn so leaving that for now
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