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College resits

Okay so I have extenuating circumstances : got punched night before bio paper 2 and had to go a&e. Dad had 2 heart attacks and a kidney transplant. And I was achieving As consistently throughout y13 and somehow ended up with BBC and missing my med offer, I asked college if they would let me resit and they said no. my friend achieved ACC and asked too they told her no and even shouted at her?

Anyways shes paying £1000+ to resit and the test centre is over an hour away, and Im doinf the med sciences transfer scheme at UCLan in the hopes of doing med next year

Today, I just found out that they are letting AT LEAST 2 girls in my yeargroup resit ? One of whom also achieved BBC and missed her med offer, I messaged her about it and she said her dad explained her circumstances to them? Im not being funny but do I have it easy? Is my pain invisible? Do I not deserve a second chance too? Like what? Im SOOO MAD bc i cant even AFFORD to resit so im forced to do the transfer scheme or give up, and my friend is having to fund herself whereas other ppl get to resit for free??

Should I email the head, what’s the correct way of going about this guys. Im so upset and angry

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