The Student Room Group

Advanced Learner Loan

basically I’m 20 years old and want to go into university, I did a access course in 2023 but dropped out during November as I had severe anxiety and couldn’t maintain all the work at once. This year I’ve decided to continue my access course but advanced learner loan said I can only apply once and told me to write a letter with proof of why I dropped out last year. Last year I was diagnosed with asthma but I wasn’t aware, my breathing problems occurred during the duration. I’ve got a letter from the doctors but I’m scared advanced learner loan won’t approve “asthma/breathing problems” I really want to go university!
Hi there. Sorry, we cannot assist with any queries relating to Advanced Learner Loans from here. I can only ask that you contact the team directly on 0300 100 0619. Thanks, David

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