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I didnt get the grades i wanted in the year 12 eoy mocks and feel really behind?

I'm a week into y13, in my year 12 mocks (that to be honest i didnt really revise well for) i got A (3 marks off A*) in politics and a B in history and a B in Ethics and Philosophy.

I really want to go to durham for history and politics which i think i need A*AA for, but im not sure how realistic it is because i feel really behind on year 12 stuff and feel like im a bit lost, idk how to revise, im not sure how to write ep essays, im doing an epq that i just started that durham doesnt make offers on anyway).

Lots of people feel like this at the start of y13 right?? I just want to know how likely it is ill be able to do it and if anyone managed to improve their grades a lot between y12 mocks and y13 mocks (were doing january mocks for uni predicted grades i think??)

any advice would be so appreciated xx
Reply 1
Hey! First of all don’t panic , you are doing great. A mock exam is an indication of where you currently are, if you were achieving your grades now then you may grow complacent towards the end of the year.

Try and get feedback on the questions you didn’t do as well in on the exams and work on that section as a first place to revise and lean on your teachers to give you extensive feedback on what you need to do. I found that it was only minor tweaks or the inclusion of two more points that were the difference between a B and A*.

Happy to offer advice and help in anyway , but good luck :smile:

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