The Student Room Group

Sign of emotional closeness to mirror the same end phrase to a text conversation?

I argue that it is.

I've written two different types of end phrases to two different women, both having a bond to me, albeit early stages of the relationship.

Woman nr 1 I end /hugs, Robert, she mirrors, hugs Sara.

This woman has confirmed feeling an emotional bond to me, but not romantic (nevermind if it' true or not since the topic is not romance).

Woman nr 2 I end /Robert. She mirrors /Alicia.

Woman nr 2 and I had a falling out after a full blown romance that went south, but got in touch again after 7 months.

Is her mirroring an indication that she does still feel emotional closeness based on the mirroring action of the first woman?

What do you gals say? Do you mirror guys you like in text?

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