How much progress you make in 6 months depends on a huge range of factor such as your response to training, how hard you train, diet, etc. It is also better to measure your progress over years rather than a few months. Comparing yourself to others is pointless. It is particularly pointless when it comes to comparing yourself to people online. Few people are going to post pictures where they haven't made much progress and those who have for example gone from looking like they've never stepped foot in a gym to completely shredded in 6 months are generally juicing.
Find a program for your goal (which I assume is more towards bodybuilding) and stick to it for a period of time. Pick a program that emphasies compound movements. Here is a good starting point: https://thefitness.wiki/routines/
Whey protein is typically the cheapest way to good if you are on a budget but the cost of that has more than doubled in the last few years. The reality is if you are serious, you'll likely have to get a job.
By mentioning diet and sleep, you are already focusing on the important things. Get those sorted, train with a good intensity, get yourself on a tried and tested program. These basics are more important than anything else. The wiki link I posted above has a good overview of everything, so is worth looking through. It is a while since I've spent much time on fitness YouTube but there are good channels out there with great advice. Mike Israetel and Jeff Nippard are always reliable and quite accessible. He isn't very active anymore, but Omar Isuf is also worth checking out.
Last reply 1 month ago
Hey everyone it has been a while. How many days/hours do you train a week?4