The Student Room Group

Withdrawing from course before I start?

So I accepted a place onto a course and it’s meant to start fairly soon however I’ve been having second doubts about it and it’s been causing me a lot of stress. I applied through Clearing which was a bad decision as I felt this pressure to go to university this year even though I believe that I’m still not ready. I haven’t completed registration yet, I’ve added the modules to my timetable but that’s it, I haven’t gone and done matriculation which is the final step in registration. I also haven’t signed up for Student Finance. I was just wondering is it okay if I withdraw before I start and will I be liable for any tuition fees. Thanks.
Fee liability usually does not start until after a week or so into term. You shouldn't normally be charged fees if you withdraw before the course begins. Universities will usually publish their fee liability dates on their websites somewhere so you should be able to find this for your uni :smile:

Do note though that's separate and unrelated to accommodation charges. If you have signed an accommodation contract and paid a deposit you will need to check the terms of the contract carefully, as they may hold you liable for rent unless you find a replacement (you will also lose the deposit regardless).
Original post by lorelaigilmore
Does it matter if I haven’t actually moved into the accommodation yet? Or am I still liable? I’m just so confused about it all🥲

If you signed the contract already you'll still be liable for it. That's the point of the rental contract (this is not just the case for student accommodation, but any rental agreement). You'll need to check the exact terms to see how breaking the contract early works. If it's a university owned accommodation they may be willing to negotiate with you and source a replacement themselves if they have people waitlisted for accommodation or similar though.

So check your contract and contact the uni accommodation team to understand your options.
Absolutely you can withdraw if you have doubts - lots of people do so unis are used to this. They will refund whatever deposits you may have paid e.g. Hall fees, course fees. Unis are very understanding of people in your situation - its a big decision especially if you secured a place through clearing and have never visited the uni or town.

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