I can not finish online enrolment because I can’t complete the part for tuition fees. It doesn’t allow me to click on anything and says that payment status is not submitted. Does anyone know how to access payment information or is it maybe not accessible yet?
Unfortunately I still haven’t figured it out, but I came to campus so I think I will have to go ask for help there tomorrow.
Hi Sara, I called the Uni ( i used the number listed on the tuition payment portal page) and they were able to look at my tuition page with me- it turned out that one of the options was not listed on my page yet. She was very helpful and said she would get it fixed and to give it 12- 24 hours. This morning when I logged on the new option was right there and it was super easy to finish my payment arrangements and enrolment. I'm all set for Monday now and can relax! Good luck with yours!
Hi Sara, I called the Uni ( i used the number listed on the tuition payment portal page) and they were able to look at my tuition page with me- it turned out that one of the options was not listed on my page yet. She was very helpful and said she would get it fixed and to give it 12- 24 hours. This morning when I logged on the new option was right there and it was super easy to finish my payment arrangements and enrolment. I'm all set for Monday now and can relax! Good luck with yours!
Thank you so much, I will contact them tomorrow then. Sorry for not answering right away I unfortunately didn’t have much information to offer