The Student Room Group

pls help - health emergency

I have really bad abdominal pain on my right side and I dont know what it is. It's been going on for months and it foes from my upper to lower back but hursts on my right side. started months ago in my tummy area and moved to my right (I was kicked in my right side hard in martial arts and it started I think because of that). months later the pain is still there. gets worse when I cough or move and I cant sleep and its like a knife in my stomach. does anyone know what this is?
Go to your gp and see what they say
If it gets too bad to handle then go to A and E
People on TSR cannot tell you what’s wrong, most people on here are not medically trained and so anything anyone says would be pure speculation and likely inaccurate as real medical professions would probably need to do a physical exam of the area to find the mechanism of injury

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