Hey I took both psychology and sociology AQA A Levels and finished this year (2024), both with high A grades.
It absolutely depends on how you like to learn and what comes naturally to you - essay subjects are definitely my thing so I found both quite good in terms of that. Psychology is a lot of content but I learnt that through flash cards and constant repetition. The essays required need to be structured a certain way and once you have that down and memorised, it’s just a matter of remembering the content to apply to the structure.
Sociology came very naturally to me also, the essay structures are way longer (up to 30 marks whereas psych has a max of 16 markers). I’d say content needed to be known in a bit more depth than psychology, but perhaps there is slightly less of it. There are a lot of theorists and their theories that need to be memorised and statistics also. However there is a fair bit of overlap between topics which I’d say is less present in psychology.
Both subjects felt around the same difficulty level for me but when picking the subject it is worth considering what path you’d like to take post A levels. Psychology is more scientific and when I was picking a university it was considered a science and listed in their preferred subjects. Sociology was different however and this was often not the case - I applied for Psychology courses so it is worth checking any target institutions for their preferred subjects before making a decision.
Hope this helped!!