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Particle is bombarded with electrons which knock off one of the electrons in the particle, forming a 1+ ion
This is generally used for lower mass particles
The positive ion is attracted to the negatively charged plate, which accelerates the ion through the field.
The ion can be broken down further. The fragments are also accelerated and causes different peaks to show on the mass spec (@animazddhdnm @SWAN 2.0 what do peaks mean here? I know what they are mathematically, but I don't know what they are in this sense)
Used for higher mass substances
Fragmentation is unlikely to happen - this is called soft ionisation
Sample dissolved in a substance, which is injected using a hypodermic needle (really thin)
Needle attached to high voltage power supply, which ionises substance immediately
X (g) + H+ ---> XH+ (g)
Solvent evaps and XH+ ions are attracted to negatively charged plate
This accelerates through mass spec
1+ ions accelerated using electric field
All ions accelerated to the same kinetic energy - meaning velocity is dependent on mass
Ion passes through hole in neg charged plate and move into flight tube
Time of flight in tube dependent on velocity
Once they pass through the mass spec, ions hit a negative plate, which causes ionisation of the ion
The ionisation of the ion causes a current - size proportional to abundance
Detector plate connected to computer which produces the mass spectrum
Last reply 23 hours ago
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