The Student Room Group


Hey, I'm an Asylum Seeker. And I have GCSE in maths and an IELTS degree with bond 6.I'm interested in studying dentistry. But I missed the chance to apply during open booking. Now, I realised another opportunity to apply through CLEARING. please, someone tell me how should I set off its process?
What kind of requirements must I prepare to start studying in Dentrisry?
Original post by Edris.
Hey, I'm an Asylum Seeker. And I have GCSE in maths and an IELTS degree with bond 6.I'm interested in studying dentistry. But I missed the chance to apply during open booking. Now, I realised another opportunity to apply through CLEARING. please, someone tell me how should I set off its process?
What kind of requirements must I prepare to start studying in Dentrisry?

Hi @Edris.

I may not currently be able to hihglight to you the requirements for Dentistry, but, I can highlight to you that they tend to be pretty high in terms of grade boundaries. I would suggest that the best first steps to do is to look up the universities that you are interested in; once you have done this then look at the requirements and perhaps contact them directly for clearing interests.

I hope this helps!

Brandon - Student Rep

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