Achieving an average of 40% across all year 3 modules will give you a final degree mark of 11.91 + (0.75 x 40) = 41.91% (3rd)
Achieving an average of 50% across all year 3 modules will give you a final degree mark of 11.91 + (0.75 x 50) = 49.42% (3rd)
Achieving an average of 60% across all year 3 modules will give you a final degree mark of 11.91 + (0.75 x 60) = 56.92% (2.2)
Achieving an average of 70% across all year 3 modules will give you a final degree mark of 11.91 + (0.75 x 70) = 64.42% (2.1)
Achieving an average of 80% across all year 3 modules will give you a final degree mark of 11.91 + (0.75 x 40) = 71.92%
Last reply 4 days ago
How long will I be able to get away with deliberately failing my year abroad?19
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