Sorry to hear about the bullying. Unfortunately bullying is pretty common everywhere. How do they bully you? Can you look for friends and try to always have a friend with you? Bullies tend to pick on people who are alone because it's easier for them to bully a lone person than a group. If you can, try to record the incidents of bullying, e.g. write down all the details in a journal. If they throw things at you, keep them in a bag. If they write nasty notes or online comments, keep the notes and record of comments. If you are able to take photos surreptitiously (make sure you are safe from any physical harm), take as many as you can for evidence. When you have evidence, and if the bullying gets really problematic for you, you can report it to your school principal, the police or government authorities. They will be more likely to take action uf you show them evidence.