Hey, I'm a 19 year old whose parents are muslim. I am a practicing one too but honestly I move away from the religion each day. My parents are SUPER strict (no seeing friends, they have to decide if I can be friends with someone, I wasn't able to move out for uni even tho I got into prestigious unis, check my phone etc..) Honestly I am so tired mentally of all their rules and controlling behaviour, now they want me to wear shirts/blouses that over my knee? It's not like I dress immodestly. I recently got diagnosed with a condition where I am not allowed to stress too much (last time I did I had seizures). I just don't know how to cope? I feel like i live 2 lives (ofc I sneak out to see friends, have social media behind their back, change into normal clothes like a normal sized jumper). I don't want to leave them as it will ruin my relationship with them forever but I also cannot cope like this. Please give me actual advice not just pray/make dua. Thanks