The Student Room Group

Law Conversion after non-Law degrees

Can anybody walk me through the process of how to get into Law after doing a non-Law degree? I am doing Sociology. What does the Law conversion entail?
Original post by trixster06
Can anybody walk me through the process of how to get into Law after doing a non-Law degree? I am doing Sociology. What does the Law conversion entail?

Look into the GDL course (which is the law conversion) offered by BPP/Uni of Law. All law degrees study core modules (i.e tort, criminal, public) and you will cover those core modules in the GDL.
The GDL is a one year postgraduate course offered by various providers, not just the two mentioned above.

The core subjects are -

Public Law (Constitutional and Administrative Law)
Criminal Law
Contract Law
Tort Law
Equity and Trusts
Land Law
EU Law

After taking the PGDL, you would take the SQE if you wish to become a solicitor, and would need to obtain a training contract with a law firm. If you wish to become a barrister, you would need to take the Bar Practice Course and obtain a pupillage in a set of chambers.

You don't have to do a PGDL before the SQE, but it is thought to be a good idea to do so.
(edited 4 months ago)
Reply 4
Original post by Stiffy Byng
The GDL is a one year postgraduate course offered by various providers, not just the two mentioned above.
The core subjects are -
Public Law (Constitutional and Administrative Law)
Criminal Law
Contract Law
Tort Law
Equity and Trusts
Land Law
EU Law
After taking the PGDL, you would take the SQE if you wish to become a solicitor, and would need to obtain a training contract with a law firm. If you wish to become a barrister, you would need to take the Bar Practice Course and obtain a pupillage in a set of chambers.
You don't have to do a PGDL before the SQE, but it is thought to be a good idea to do so.

thanks for this, I’ll have a look at these!
Reply 5
Original post by fairyliquids
Look into the GDL course (which is the law conversion) offered by BPP/Uni of Law. All law degrees study core modules (i.e tort, criminal, public) and you will cover those core modules in the GDL.

thanks, I’ll have a look at this!

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