The Student Room Group

Would i get an interview at Uol? PLEASE help


I really want to do medicine at university of Liverpool however I wanted to know if UoL would even consider me for an interview with my GCSE results or if you would advise me to resit some.

GCSE results :
9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 5 in english literature.

A-level results :
Biology - A
Chemistry- A
Psychology- A

Please advise me on what you think I should do as I only want to study at university of Liverpool, even if that means taking a gap year and resitting GCSEs.
Reply 1

Liverpool bases its GCSE requirements for medicine on a points based scheme where grades 9/8/7 = 2 points and a grade 6=1 point. Altogether their minimum requirement is 15 points at GCSE, and having calculated yours, it is 13 points. However, for their foundation medical course their minimum requirement is 5 Grades 6's in subjects which you do have that grade in.

So rather than taking a gap year I would highly recommend you apply for the foundation course as along with the factor of your grades I don't think Liverpool are that lenient with GCSE resits as a whole.

Hope this helps :smile:.

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