I have periods where I go for like 4 days with like one hour of sleep each day and it gets to the point where I'm like seeing shadow people out the corner of my eyes but if I lie down for a nap I still just won't be able to et to sleep at all. and it's honestly got way worse recently so I'm worried I'm just gonna be awake until I have a heart attack and die or something. It takes me like 8 hours to get to sleep sometimes. I've been to my doctor and asked if he can prescribe anything but they always just say that that's how it is for some people or that some people just need less sleep than others and I don't need pills which is crazy when I'm like drop dead exhausted every single day. do I need to die or become seriously ill before a doctor will just listen to me. I can't see another doctor until I'm back in the UK but even if I go back it's just gonna be the same ****