The Student Room Group


What a description of an isolated place a paragraph
Original post by sacred-docket
What a description of an isolated place a paragraph

are you asking stragers online for this?? cheater. anyway, here's a description of an isolated place:

My brother's bedroom is a cold place. This is so because he loves leaving the windows open.
It's haunting, in a way. The unmade bed, the chill of the wind hitting my skin as I step through the door. I shiver, looking around. The curtains are drawn. I'm too scared to touch them, for fear of spiders lurking behind them. I step further in, and let out a soft gasp. The pain is unbelievable, like burns and cramps and migraines all wrapped in one- I've stepped on a Lego brick. I wince, shaking my head. This place is unbelievable... I look at the still-opened wardrobe. Football jerseys, worn and sweaty, tumble from their chest of drawers. The stench is like a locker room, but amplified. I shake my head, leaving the room, shutting the door behind me with a soft click.

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