I am applying to 4 universities with mathematics and to Oxford with music + an organ scholarship. I was told by my school to make it (very) roughly 80% maths and 20% music, but I feel that 800 characters is nowhere near enough to write something good enough for Oxford. Obviously there is the interview and most people get invited to it, but I feel like my personal statement will not make the cut. Is it worth cutting down on the maths and making it more like a 60:40 ratio? Also, what sort of things should I prioritise when writing about each of the subjects since I have a smaller character count for each of them?
What I've done so far is try to show how I think of mathematics and music in similar ways (e.g. recognising patterns of how to solve problems or patterns of what chord progression is most likely for said melody) to justify my choice of taking two different subjects, and this was strongly recommended by my school, but this is definitely not eonugh.