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Reply 1
members of the university who has a 'blue' as in, they play a sport for uni, and are in the 'blues', are invited to become 'hawks' which is the exclusive blues drinking society type thing. it's not really spoken of in hushed tones....thats probably the Pitt Club you're thinking of
Reply 2
Hawks is the society for male Blues. They have their own bar and hall and stuff (though it's not half as exciting as I'd hoped it would be). You have to be invited to join, and they get priority entry to Cindies on Wednesday nights.
Reply 3
is it full blues only or do half blues get in as well!?
Reply 4
members of the university who has a 'blue' as in, they play a sport for uni, and are in the 'blues', are invited to become 'hawks' which is the exclusive blues drinking society type thing. it's not really spoken of in hushed tones....thats probably the Pitt Club you're thinking of

what's the Pitt Club then?
Reply 5
Half blues can also get in if they are invited.
Reply 6
ooo a new challenge for me: to become an elitist scumbag!

I guess korfball isnt appriciated in those circles though!!
You must apply and be seconded, whereby the committee will consider your application. Usually this is just a rubber stamp if you are in a traditional blue sport - hockey, rugby, cricket, rowing etc, but for others they may have to take other factors into account. For example in some sports only the captain may get accepted. They also take into account how much you will use the club. Its paid for by people using it for meals/drinks etc, and if they think someone is unlikely to use it they may reject their application. Obviously this is likely to be in fairly certain circumstances.

Its a good atmosphere, ands the food quite good and cheap, but if your expecting the ritz then your wrong.
ooo a new challenge for me: to become an elitist scumbag!

I guess korfball isnt appriciated in those circles though!!

korfball is a joke.
i know a guy who was on the varsity korfball and tiddlywinks teams - he was that desperate to make up a blue
what's the Pitt Club then?

Pitt club is a club reserved for those who went to Stonyhedge, Eton or Harrow. Its very posh and up itself.
Think of the worst elitist segment of cambridge.
thats the pitt club
Reply 10
The Oxford equivalent is Vincent's (Vinnie's) if anyone's interested
Reply 11
Pitt club is a club reserved for those who went to Stonyhedge, Eton or Harrow. Its very posh and up itself.
Think of the worst elitist segment of cambridge.
thats the pitt club

That's not strictly true actually. I know a member and he didn't go to any of those. Can't remember what his school was called - was the same one as Bobby Friedman.
If you have a half-blue do you get to wear the Blue (well, green-blue to be honest) clothes and scarf and things or do you get other stuff?
If you have a half-blue do you get to wear the Blue (well, green-blue to be honest) clothes and scarf and things or do you get other stuff?

it's the same but the jacket has blue trim with white hatching instead of plain blue. I think the scarf and stuff are the same, but i'm not sure.
Cool. You get a jacket?! *doesn't know many Blues :redface:*
Reply 15
The Oxford equivalent is Vincent's (Vinnie's) if anyone's interested

Wouldn't the Bullingdon also be an equivilant?
Reply 16
Wouldn't the Bullingdon also be an equivilant?

the Bullingdon is for ex-etonians, not blues players.
Reply 17
If you have a half-blue do you get to wear the Blue (well, green-blue to be honest) clothes and scarf and things or do you get other stuff?

*sings* I'd rather be a blue than a green, I'd rather be a blue than a green, Oh I'd rather be a blue, rather be a blue, rather be a blue than a green!

Probably the only song I now know about the tabs that I can reproduce on here :wink:

In Oxford you have to buy the blazer rather than being given it, although lots of colleges seem to award money to blues which will probably cover the cost - I guess it's probably the same in Cambridge. The half blue blazer here is apparently more expensive than the full blue as it's made of a blue and white striped material that's only used for half blue blazers, whereas the other ones are just navy (BLUE!) blazers.

Wouldn't the Bullingdon also be an equivilant?

No, that (seems to be) for posh ***** from Eton with too much money. Also, Vinnies is a proper club down the road beside Ede & Ravenscroft (or the other gown shop - can't remember which!) where members can go get lunch etc.
Reply 18
I do have to say that our Blue blazers are fairly ugly, especially the Goldie ones!
Reply 19
korfball is a joke.
i know a guy who was on the varsity korfball and tiddlywinks teams - he was that desperate to make up a blue

Hey Foolfarian - your sig isn't by some chance a quote from a sci-fi/fantasy novel, is it? Well whether it is or not - I read exactly the same thing in Wizard's First Rule once :biggrin: Great book!

I remember such random things - I read that book aaaages ago! - probably 2 years ago now.