Thank you for the resources! One more question I have is for the descriptive writing Q5 on paper 1 did you memorise a story/description structure or just memorise a bunch of good vocab to prepare for it?
vocab i made like a structure of what i need to do in the question, like i need to use like 10 ambitious words across the story and i need to use short sentences , one word sentences, one sentence paragraph, techniques to use in each paragraph. I don't think remembering a story is a effective way to do well. Any more question let me know! have a great rest of your day !
Your grades are great! What did you use for biology and other sciences?
thanks my main resource was cgp books they give you all the information you need they are really good, and for exam questions and pre-made flashcards i can go through for each topic i used and then i just went onto this website to do lots of pastpaper form pervious year, past papers are literally the best they are so good the more you do the better, literally there is only so many question they can ever ask you so the questions are styled similar. So doing these can also help you with seeing what exactly the mark scheme want as an answers a common example is for the question " By what process does a plant move water form roots to leaves" a common person would say for this 1 marker transpiration but this is wrong as it says on the mark scheme it is "transpiration stream" so doing lots of exam question can help gain valuable marks over other people and that mark maybe be the difference in you getting a 9 and you getting a 8, thanks for the question if there are anymore questions feel free to ask and have a great day !
vocab i made like a structure of what i need to do in the question, like i need to use like 10 ambitious words across the story and i need to use short sentences , one word sentences, one sentence paragraph, techniques to use in each paragraph. I don't think remembering a story is a effective way to do well. Any more question let me know! have a great rest of your day !
Okk thank you so much, I was scared that memorising a whole story was the only way to get a decent grade, but I'm glad it's not
maths : 9 english language :7 english lit :9 bio:9 chem:9 phys:9 busniess:9 Dt:8 computer science:8 Further maths:9 statictics:8 ask me if you need any help, have a great day
Hi did you do aqa math and if you did what tips do you have?
Hi did you do aqa math and if you did what tips do you have?
maths in specific i was becoming really sloppy with like in year 9 i used to be a consistent close to full marks, but into year 10 i was just getting 9's but in year 11 mocks it all went down hill, i was i mark into a 8 and this is when i got my wake up call and what i did form here was pure magic, the main thing for maths is past paper question just keep practicing question in your spare time it so good for your brain to come back and revise and get those topic lists your teachers give and rag rate it and go through the ones you are unsure and try to do lots of exam question to do for them and, try to see where you are dropping marks, and form there your grades will speak for themselves ! ( i used this website for any topic i am unsure of as it has videos and worksheets for every topic :, ( and i would do lots of past papers for maths, the more you do the better)
maths : 9 english language :7 english lit :9 bio:9 chem:9 phys:9 busniess:9 Dt:8 computer science:8 Further maths:9 statictics:8 ask me if you need any help, have a great day
my main resource was cgp books they give you all the information you need they are really good, and for exam questions and pre-made flashcards i can go through for each topic i used and then i just went onto this website to do lots of pastpaper form pervious year, past papers are literally the best they are so good the more you do the better, literally there is only so many question they can ever ask you so the questions are styled similar. So doing these can also help you with seeing what exactly the mark scheme want as an answers a common example is for the question " By what process does a plant move water form roots to leaves" a common person would say for this 1 marker transpiration but this is wrong as it says on the mark scheme it is "transpiration stream" so doing lots of exam question can help gain valuable marks over other people and that mark maybe be the difference in you getting a 9 and you getting a 8, thanks for the question if there are anymore questions feel free to ask and have a great day !
maths : 9 english language :7 english lit :9 bio:9 chem:9 phys:9 busniess:9 Dt:8 computer science:8 Further maths:9 statictics:8 ask me if you need any help, have a great day
congrats on those grade!s what would be some tips for science and english?
congrats on those grade!s what would be some tips for science and english?
thanks. science the main most important tip is exam question, i can stress how much these will help you, try and just do as many exam questions a u can ( has lots of exam questions for each topic for each science just do as much as you can), English literature is just getting the structure memorised an praticing doing some exam questions, and remember good quotes which rich analysis. English language is again knwing how to answer each question and again practice exam questions. Have a great day !
thanks. science the main most important tip is exam question, i can stress how much these will help you, try and just do as many exam questions a u can ( has lots of exam questions for each topic for each science just do as much as you can), English literature is just getting the structure memorised an praticing doing some exam questions, and remember good quotes which rich analysis. English language is again knwing how to answer each question and again practice exam questions. Have a great day !
main thing with year 10 is not to over do it everyone thinks you need to revise lots in year 10 as you are starting gcse, don't burn yourself out this early start a little by little, main advice after each lesson come home and re-read you homework this is really good for you brain and keep coming back to your notes and every time you come back you notes are going to be pasted into your long term memory, and also try making flash cards and doing past paper questions, main thing is don't over do it don't worry and you got this, have a great time π
Thank you so much. I really appreciate your advice. One last thing, I'm sitting my Stats GCSE this year, and I'm not sure how I can get a 9 in it. We have one after-school lesson a week, but it's really disrupted, and I feel as though it's poorly taught. How would you advise I stay ahead?
Thank you so much. I really appreciate your advice. One last thing, I'm sitting my Stats GCSE this year, and I'm not sure how I can get a 9 in it. We have one after-school lesson a week, but it's really disrupted, and I feel as though it's poorly taught. How would you advise I stay ahead?
I will give a good website for it, its been a long time since i did it(2 years now! that feels like yesterday), so i can't really remember what exactly i did, all i remember is that i used this website a lot. ( it is a really good website lots of notes of everything and exam questions for each subtopic so you can focus your revision to what your weak at, and exam papers! you got this , don't stress it imagine you coming out with a 8 or 9 that's an extra 8 or 9 you got over everyone else. Have a great day! Good luck!
I will give a good website for it, its been a long time since i did it(2 years now! that feels like yesterday), so i can't really remember what exactly i did, all i remember is that i used this website a lot. ( it is a really good website lots of notes of everything and exam questions for each subtopic so you can focus your revision to what your weak at, and exam papers! you got this , don't stress it imagine you coming out with a 8 or 9 that's an extra 8 or 9 you got over everyone else. Have a great day! Good luck!
anything else i can help with don't stress to ask!
I will give a good website for it, its been a long time since i did it(2 years now! that feels like yesterday), so i can't really remember what exactly i did, all i remember is that i used this website a lot. ( it is a really good website lots of notes of everything and exam questions for each subtopic so you can focus your revision to what your weak at, and exam papers! you got this , don't stress it imagine you coming out with a 8 or 9 that's an extra 8 or 9 you got over everyone else. Have a great day! Good luck!