The Student Room Group

Which module to choose after differing 1year

I was studying with the OU a cert of HE.

I had to differ. I chose d110 thinking feeling doing the 1st time. I need re apply for my restart. But i am questioning myself.

Do i do the same module, i was previously enjoying it. Or choose

social science


child development?

I chose NOT to bank my assignments so wondered if i should try some area ive not done.

Does the module even matter in the grand scheme of things? Or are the degree modules of more inportance in final career terms?

Its hard because i change my mind ehat i want to do. I want to help suport people in becoming rhe best cersions of them selfs. But im not sure who/type of people.

Im thinking either children with not a great start in life home problems/ behaviour etc


Help criminals reshape there life believing in them selves that they hold the power to make life look different

And again the same with addixts.

I read on hear some one said both child development was boring and social science was dull in the certHE in psycology

I really need to make a start on my applicarion because acording to student services i am elligible through disabled studenta fund for laptop funding with text to speach etc on it which can take at leasr 4months and i start in feb and will really need it by then as i do not want the hassel of assignments on a phone like i was doing before

Thoughts and opinions you had while studying these modules please. I know were all different and dull to one person can be exciting to the next.P

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