Offer and Acceptance: You received an offer from the college for a foundation course with zero fees, which you accepted within the specified timeframe. This acceptance typically forms a contractual agreement between you and the college.
Enrolment and Confirmation: You proceeded to enrol in the course based on this offer, following all enrolment instructions provided by the college. This action further supports the formation of a contractual relationship.
Consumer Rights: Consumer law protects individuals in situations where offers are made and accepted, and where there is reliance on the terms of that offer. If the college made an error in offering you zero fees but you accepted it in good faith and enrolled accordingly, you may have rights under consumer protection laws to uphold the original terms of the offer.
College Error: The fact that the college now claims it made a mistake and wants to charge you over £5000 does not automatically void the original offer and acceptance. They may have a responsibility to honor the terms of the offer as accepted by you, particularly if you acted in reliance on those terms to your detriment.
Legal Advice: Considering the complexity of the situation and the potential financial implications, it would be advisable to seek legal advice from a solicitor specializing in consumer rights or contract law. They can provide guidance tailored to your specific circumstances and help you understand your rights and options moving forward.
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