Hi, I’m really interested in maths, I am in year 12 at the moment. I did IGCSE maths for GCSE and got a 9 (I scored above 90% in maths). I really want to study maths at university and I am doing A level maths and further maths at the moment.
I am doing the Senior Maths Challenge next week and wanted some advice. Although I am good at maths and score quite well usually, I’m not very good at the UKMT maths challenges. The most I’ve gotten is a silver and even that at boundary level. I have heard that getting gold in SMC is quite a good achievement especially if you want to go into maths but I seem to struggle with these types of challenges.. does anyone have any tips for getting gold? In particular anything I should know e.g. finding out the square root of a number hack etc like those types of valuable little tricks which I can pick up on and try to use when needed?
Please advise!