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Geography NEA help!!

I'm a year 13 student starting my NEA and I'm Currently stuck on data collection and my question itself: " Is X's retail influenced by the local demography?".
My sub questions are "what is the retail like in X" "what is the demography of X's population" " is there a link between retail and demography in X". I thought of just collecting retail information in my chosen area but I feel its too simple and I'm not sure what else I could do or if I should change my question/sub questions. If anyone could give me some help I'd really appreciate it since I'm finding it really difficult to ask help from my teacher since I have to fight through a class of other people who have way more complex ideas and plans!!
Land use maps (categorise retail to stuff like convenience stores, groceries, clothing etc), surveys for demographics. Pictures from different times of day to show how busy it is (and maybe weekends vs weekdays).

GL for NEA, I am also trying to do mine rn too! (i hate geo sm bc of the evident tensions between teachers, long story)
Original post by AhsokaTano-
Land use maps (categorise retail to stuff like convenience stores, groceries, clothing etc), surveys for demographics. Pictures from different times of day to show how busy it is (and maybe weekends vs weekdays).
GL for NEA, I am also trying to do mine rn too! (i hate geo sm bc of the evident tensions between teachers, long story)

Omg sorry for the late reply! Thank you so much I appreciate it! Hope your NEA is going well. I'm sure it'll get better soon <3
Hey, pm me your email and i can send you a help sheet.

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