Mes Birling starts off by responding grandiosely to the inspector and poised to answer any questions he wishes -She is being pertentions so she can potray herself as innocent and as someone who has nothing to hide to try and come clean However Shiela who immediately sees through this pretences begs her mother to stop & as she will "be sorry for afterwards" , This quote forshadows her mother will say something that she will regret later in Act 3 when Mrs Birding is defeated by her own overconfidence the when she a indirectly admits her son is responsible for the death of Eva Smith .
The inspector potrays Mrs Billing charactar as someone who asserts dominance over others
of lower classes by intimidating them, this is proved by the quote "trifle impertinent" Mrs Birling feels threathened to see Shiela siding with the inspector and having her views molded un such a short amount of time time so using the adjective "impertinent "", she tries to patronize the inspector . She uses this oxymoron to suggest this idea of gatekelpo using big fancy words to make herself seem more important than others. Mrs Billing's charactar in Priestly's play, symbolizes those of upper class and how they acted.imperiously to those of over lower class.
Priesty also as manifest's through Mrs Birling's charactar that how people of the upper class
were very orthodox and cared only about a specific group of people. Mrs Birling uses distancing language when she says "girls of that class" - The distancing language shows Mrs Billing's prejudice towards people of the lower class, she thinks she is so superior that she cannot even uses a proper name to refer them. Even through Mrs Birling is a women, She has no pity for this that girl she still refers to her that girl as a child even though she was a women with all sorts of challenges, she has very little sympathy for another women but that is because she has been fully indoctrinated into the capitalist system and so she supports a social heiarchy she does not want things to change because that's what her life has been and she has accepted he image in this limited sphere of influence.
Mrs Billing is a part of this incharitable organisation and it's precisely "girls of that class she is suppose to be helping but there is this cruel irony that she is refusing to help and sees them as not worthy of helping and even not worthy of titling the group she belongs to. Priestly does this to exhibit her charactar to have a very narrow viewpoint and being self absorbed , the fact that there are no scene changes in setting links to two ideas. First he indicates a restricted and clauster phobic atmosphere but yet self absorbtion as there is as there is nothing outside the Birling's life and they only care about their own way of living .They are disconnected from the wider world and misunderstand the lower class. The second reason for no scene changes indicates that Priestly does not want to create a very flashy show as he is extremely anti-war we know this because of Priestly's broadcast on BBC was cancelled
after some members of goverment thought his ideas were too socialist. He is communicating to his audience through this structure of the play that he believes in Ahimsa and peace , he wants capitalist ways to end without violence Therefore he avoids making the show ostentatious making audience focus on message rather than making a flamboyant set