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HELP: I wrote an acknowledgement to my ex, and scared my current bf will dump me

I'm a writer, and published my second novel during the summer. In the acknowledgements, I mentioned my exes name (who helped w/ some of the revisions). We dated a year ago, but met up in May for coffee as friends. He's also a writer, which is why he helped.

After the summer, I met my current bf and we started dating recently -- and I'm already sure he's the one for me. He's the most amazing, caring and beautiful person I've ever met.
Last week he went back to uni, so we're doing long distance, and he took the novel with him to read. Even though I wrote the acknowledgement before we met, I'm still scared he will read it and want to break up with me. I'm terrified of losing him, or making him feel bad if he sees it.

Since I started dating him, I blocked my ex -- we settled for friendship which is why i wrote the acknowledgment -- out of respect for my new partner. In all honesty, i forgot completely about him after meeting my current bf. It was only until a few nights ago when I was going over old manuscripts, when I saw the acknowledgement.

Since then, I've had horrible anxiety about him finding out about it and leaving me. I'm unsure whether I should bring it up now and explain myself, or wait until he finished the book as he might not read the acknowledgements anyway. Either way, I'm having crippling anxiety about it and can barely focus. My current bf means so much to me and I'm scared it could ruin our relationship.

Please give honest advice.
Reply 1
For me it’s absolutely fine. This doesn’t suggest remaining romantic interest, just decency and maturity after breakup which are positive things. I don’t think it will be a problem and wouldn’t proactively raise it with your bf
At the risk of being overly honest, the way you dealt with your ex is absolutely fine and perfectly mature. There's an obvious non romantic reason for the acknowledgement, which happened in any event even before you met your current boyfriend. I don't think you should have blocked your ex. As I say, you dealt with the end of that relationship in a very mature way. He's clearly important to you to some degree even outside of the relationship, and it sounds to me like a friendship you should at least keep on the table. Frankly, you have only been going out with your current boyfriend for a very short time and you're squarely in the honeymoon period. By all means enjoy that, but you can't possibly know right now if he's the one for you. And if he can't understand why you acknowledged your ex in your book or why you would want to remain friends with him, I'm afraid he's not the one for you. Don't bring it up proactively and unblock your ex. It'll come up in conversation at some point I'm sure, and if you're really bothered about it you can raise it proactively if you want. Just seems a bit early to be talking about that sort of stuff. But either way, unblock your ex.
If your current BF is that grounded I’d be amazed if he cared even if he noticed. It’s honestly not that big of a deal.
I don't see any issue with this at all tbh unless the new guy is crazy jealous or insecure, and you'd likely already have seen signs if that was the case. I prob wouldn't being it up unless asked, but nothing to hide.

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