The Student Room Group

Continue with Pharmacy or transfer to biology

Started 2nd year pharmacy, feeling a bit iffy about pharmacy and the clinical/ patient side of pharmacy (only did it bc of the guaranteed job) do you think I should switch to biology while I have the chance?
Also I usually get very nervous when it come to speaking to patients in a pharmacy or public speaking in general. The only reason i want to continue doing pharmacy is to become a MSL or do medical affairs. I don’t mind even doing a finance job in the future or moving into tech.
(edited 1 week ago)
Original post by Bfbbdbbd
Started 2nd year pharmacy, feeling a bit iffy about pharmacy and the clinical/ patient side of pharmacy (only did it bc of the guaranteed job) do you think I should switch to biology while I have the chance?
Also I usually get very nervous when it come to speaking to patients in a pharmacy or public speaking in general. The only reason i want to continue doing pharmacy is to become a MSL or do medical affairs. I don’t mind even doing a finance job in the future or moving into tech.

Stick with Pharmacy for sure. Biology isn't anywhere near as highly regarded due to oversupply of biological sciences and biomedical sciences graduates. That said, the calibre of university does help improve job prospects, i.e. a top 30 UK uni (see the global rankings) as a minimum.

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