I have quite a bad migraine basically every day (always at least 5 times a week) to the point it sometimes makes it very difficult to do anything or study but doctors tend to treat me as if I'm exaggerating my pain, potentially because I'm young and female and potentially because I see my doctor at home fairly often about different health concerns. At the minute I take cocodamol and ibuprofen and codeine (the over the counter ones) but they don't work that well in the small doses that are available over the counter (I don't mention that to any doctor I see). I'm abroad rn so I'm potentially going to try a doctor here and then will also try a different GP when I go home. But what would I say to get them to actually take my pain seriously and believe that I'm in the amount of pain I say I am instead of just dismissing me and refusing to prescribe anything. and before anyone says it, this is a post about needing medication for a genuine health issue, not drug seeking