The Student Room Group

how do you do well in english literature???

First of all, I'm working at a 5/6 but I would really like to achieve a 7 in my final exams.
My teacher has made comments on my work saying I need to have a deeper analysis. For me, I find it hard to project my thoughts onto paper when I write essays :frown: Any tips on how to improve my grade would be very welcome!
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Original post by seirial
First of all, I'm working at a 5/6 but I would really like to achieve a 7 in my final exams.
My teacher has made comments on my work saying I need to have a deeper analysis. For me, I find it hard to project my thoughts onto paper when I write essays :frown: Any tips on how to improve my grade would be very welcome!

Which part do you find the hardest / did the worst in eng lit?
I think you should identify your weakness first, then work on it.

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