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should I say I'm autistic on UCAS application?

So I'm currently waiting on an autism assessment and I'm already like 95% sure I'm autistic but I haven't got a diagnosis just yet I'm hoping since I'm going private that I'll have confirmation soon but just in case I don't is it worth saying that I have autism on my UCAS application now to make sure it's on their before I have to submit it
Reply 1
Original post by Vee2007
So I'm currently waiting on an autism assessment and I'm already like 95% sure I'm autistic but I haven't got a diagnosis just yet I'm hoping since I'm going private that I'll have confirmation soon but just in case I don't is it worth saying that I have autism on my UCAS application now to make sure it's on their before I have to submit it

Is there no way you could put « suspected » autism awaiting formal confirmation. Saying you have it with proof is not advisable. If your appointment comes back with something else or nothing at all back peddling would be complicated.You could ask the teacher responsible for your reference to write about anything they feel relevant concerning your health but stating that you have something without a doctor having diagnosed it could be considered fraudulent.
Reply 2
Original post by Euapp
Is there no way you could put « suspected » autism awaiting formal confirmation. Saying you have it with proof is not advisable. If your appointment comes back with something else or nothing at all back peddling would be complicated.You could ask the teacher responsible for your reference to write about anything they feel relevant concerning your health but stating that you have something without a doctor having diagnosed it could be considered fraudulent.

Oh yeah I'll see if there's an option to say suspected if not the first part of my assessment is on Tuesday so hopefully I'll have a definitive answer by the time I have to submit my application
Reply 3
Original post by Vee2007
So I'm currently waiting on an autism assessment and I'm already like 95% sure I'm autistic but I haven't got a diagnosis just yet I'm hoping since I'm going private that I'll have confirmation soon but just in case I don't is it worth saying that I have autism on my UCAS application now to make sure it's on their before I have to submit it

I put down that I was autistic on my ucas application before I was diagnosed

tbh the only time you'll really be asked for proof is if you apply for dsa or something like that

the uni themselves will likely never ask for proof because they don't really need it - maybe if you need costly accomodations they will, but not only have I never been asked for proof by the uni, the uni actually paid for my diagnosis... after I had already written "autism" on the ucas application
The disability section isn't viewed by the general administration team it means that the disability services will contact you to set up support rather than you having to send the first email.
When I was doing the process I put working diagnosis of autism and the uni contacted me about the support they could provide but also what a formal diagnosis letter would provide extra support
By the time I had started at uni I had the diagnosis. As you won't be setting up the support until nearly September then you should have the paperwork before hand

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