The Student Room Group

Vet med without science GCSE

Hi guys,
I’ll try and keep it short. I’m currently 24 and looking to study vet med. I studied an animal management diploma extended, 1080 credits passed with PMM and got a Distinction in the biology section. I got a B in GCSE English, I’m resitting maths to try and get a B at least as I failed. I did not pass GCSE Science unfortunately.. I had switched schools due to bullying and the new school was unhelpful. Im studying an access to HE veterinary science course at the moment. I’m wondering can I get into vet med with just my English gcse and new maths grade and the access course? Or would I need to also retake my science GCSE? I’m looking at RVC, Bristol, Surrey and Nottingham.
thank you!
Reply 1
I think Bristol only require a C in English Language and a C in Mathematics. They also accept Access to HE Mathematics credits in lieu of GCSE Maths, I believe, so I would contact them and see if your Access course has enough in Maths to meet that requirement.

Have you looked at UCLan? It states on their website they only require GCSE Maths and English at grade C.

RVC, Surrey, and Nottingham state on their website that they require Science at GCSE, unfortunately.

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