Sorry, I never completed my writing and it got sent accidentally.
I was actually saying, we usually have 3-6 a.m morning prep and lessons start at 7:20 a.m to 10:00 p.m. But one of our Biology teachers now teaches us even during morning prep, so this means lessons start from 3 a.m to 10:00p.m. By that time I'm always too worn out to do personal revision, and we have only 5 hours for personal activities from 10 p.m to 3a.m, but I'm trying to adjust and adapt. I try to create free time, and also take opportunity of any slightest break.
For your case I think it would be good for you to break the assignments into categories. For example start with cheap and short questions, do as many as you can. Then move on to long or difficult ones and try to do the basic ones, then use the weekend, especially 7:00 a.m to 12 a.m to complete the remaining assignments. You can then take to the teacher and explain that you urgently need his help, no teacher will refuse to help.