The Student Room Group

My partner says she had bigger

My partner says she had bigger
Original post by Anonymous
My partner says she had bigger

Bigger what and what is your point with this thread? more precision clears my confusion.
Reply 2
Original post by Kallisto
Bigger what and what is your point with this thread? more precision clears my confusion.

she says see a lot bigger penis then 2 inchs
Original post by Anonymous
she says see a lot bigger penis then 2 inchs

Focus on yourself, bro. :frown:
Original post by Anonymous
My partner says she had bigger

Whatever you do, don't say you've had tighter!

Next time she mentions it say "I know I've got a baby carrot" with a smirk and whilst closing your hand into a fist, apart from your little finger, that you hold out as an imitation of a bent droopy baby carrot.

And then just carry on the conversation, saying whatever you want to say and maybe going off on a tangent. EG "My aunt Esmeralda had an allotment. She used to grow veggies. One year she built a greenhouse..."
Original post by Anonymous
she says see a lot bigger penis then 2 inchs

I never get why a small penis leads to an inferiority complex. Have your balls and man up.

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